13. Climate Action

13. Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Every country on every continent is facing climate change. Global warming is already affecting the daily lives and incomes of millions of people worldwide, and it will only increase in the future.

Extreme conditions

Droughts, floods and extreme storms are becoming more common because of climate change. Greenhouse gases we emit are causing Earth's temperature to rise rapidly. This is causing Arctic ice to melt and sea levels to rise. Poor people who are already the most vulnerable are the first to be affected. They often rely on farming in areas prone to extreme conditions.

Below two degrees 

In December, a climate agreement was reached in Paris in which countries agreed to keep global warming below two degrees. For this to happen, greenhouse gases must be significantly reduced and fossil energy sources must be replaced by sustainable energy. Furthermore, it is important that developing countries in particular can take measures to arm themselves against the consequences of climate change.

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ActionAid Foundation
Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 5, 2024
- February 5, 2024

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