4. Quality Education

4. Quality Education

Ensure equal access to quality education and promote lifelong learning for all

Particularly because of the Millennium Development Goals, much has improved in education in recent years, especially for women and girls. Today, 91 percent of children in developing countries attend elementary school. The number of children not attending school has been halved compared to 2000: from 100 million in 2000 to 57 million in 2015. But there is still much to be gained. Fifty percent of elementary school-aged children who do not attend school live in conflict zones. And 103 million young people worldwide still cannot read or write.

Primary, secondary and tertiary education

Since primary education is already doing very well in the world, this goal focuses on primary as well as secondary and tertiary education. Therefore, by 2030, all boys and girls in the world should be able to complete primary and secondary school. Also, all men and women should have access to affordable vocational, technical, and higher education.


Within this goal is also a greater focus on the quality of education. For example, pupils and students must be able to gain knowledge and skills about sustainable development, sustainable lifestyles, human rights and gender equality. In addition, schools must promote a culture of peace, nonviolence, diversity and global citizenship. This requires competent teachers. Therefore, more attention should be paid to training teachers in developing countries.

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